Wednesday, July 22, 2009

dog bowl for free

Unfortunately no UK proxy like or works for this, so you have to do it manually. Find out how to use a manual proxy
try here are some manual proxies:- port 80- port 80- port 80- port 80
(for Firefox, too)-
64.19.148 port 80- port 3124
id it work for you? Which proxy?

people recomended and port: 80

xoxo doggiechely

Free dog house and dog!

To get your dog:
1. Go to "My Account" on Stardoll and find out what's your used ID Number
.2. Now add your user ID to this link, after userid=:
3. For the Dog, you need to download a game, but just press "Cancel" and you'll get it anyway. If they ask you to download "Adobe Air", you already have the dog so just press cancel (if you want to)

.To get your Dog House:
1. Go to "My Account" on Stardoll and find out what's your used ID Number.2. Now add your user ID to this link, after userid=: For the House you'll need to upload a picture. I suggest uploading something from the web, like a Barbie Doll, not a picture from you or your family in real life! Then, fill the form with fake info!

Thanks to The Stardoll Insiders


Thursday, July 16, 2009

free Biblio Chaise and Biblio Puff

1. Go to My Account and find your Stardoll User ID.
2. Now, go to this link and after the "=" put your User ID (NOT username!).
3. Answer at least 3 questions. Here are the answers:
Q1: 2) The Diary of Anne FrankQ2: 1) TeddyQ3: 3) To appear on Britain’s Got TalentQ4: 1) Her Mum’s Burberry purseQ5: 3) EdinburghQ6: 2) Brunette with blonde highlightsQ7: 1) Mr Peakes, the butlerQ8: 1) A unicornQ9: 3) A weddingQ10: 1) Lobsters
4. Now, fill in the form with fake info. DO NOT CLICK "SUBMIT" YET!
5. Now, use a manual proxy (find out how to use a manual proxy here): I used port 80! Other proxies that might work: port 80, port 80!
6. Now, click submit. You'll be redirected to Stardoll.
It might not work on the first try, but don't give up!

Free Bandslam Guitar and more!!

You can get the Bandslam Guitar and Vannesa Hudgens and Aly Michalka in your suite watching the trailer... if you're from the US!
If you aren't, follow this steps:
1.Go to
2. Put in the Proxy URL Bar:
3. Log into your doll.
4. Now you're in the cinema. Wait a few seconds then close the window.
Now log in normal Stardoll. Go to your main room - you've got the free stuff!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

FREE dog

Get your Dog (you can only pick one) following these steps:
1. Go to or
2. On the Proxy URL Bar enter this link:
3. Log into your account.
4. Pick a dog and log out!

